1. Which of the following is the highest point of a Greek city?
a. agora
b. megaron
c. acropolis
d. forum
2. Who is called the "Father of History"?
a. Pericles
b. Phidias
c. Herodotus
d. Socrates
3. When was the Archaic period in Greece?
a. 900 - 700 BCE
b. 600 - 480 BCE
c. 3,000 - 1,000 BCE
d. 320 - 30 BCE
4. The main room in a Greek temple is called the
a. peristyle
b. nave
c. megaron
d. cella or naos
5. In a Greek temple, the enclosed vestibule of the cella is called the
a. peristyle
b. stylobate
c. metope
d. pronaos
6. When a building or room has columns around it, it is said to be
a. archaic
b. crenellated
c. Ionic
d. peristyle
7. What is the platform or base of a Greek temple called?
a. stylobate
b. abacus
c. architrave
d. echinus
8. In architecture, what is a set system of proportion and decoration or ornament called?
a. a stylobate
b. an order
c. a peristyle
d. a forum
9. Which of the following is a horizontal lintel consisting of three vertical reliefs with square sections between them?
a. architrave
b. entablature
c. frieze
d. pediment
10. Which is the sculpted block at the top of a column?
a. capital
b. pediment
c. triglyph
d. metope
11. The shafts of many Greek columns swell in the center and taper towards the top. This is known as
a. vaulting
b. entasis
c. contrapposto
d. none of the above
12. When a work of art has the appearance of reality it is said to be:
a. illusionistic
b. high quality
c. modern
d. boring
13. Which of the following is a unit of space defined by architectural elements such as columns, piers, and walls?
a. bay
b. groin vault
c. spandrel
d. transept
14. When an arch is extended overhead into a half cylinder it is known as a
a. bay
b. spandrel
c. barrel vault
d. pilaster
15. Which of the following is a massive masonry support built against an exterior wall to brace the wall to contain thrust?
a. buttressing
b. pilasters
c. jambs
d. exedrae
16. Two equal intersecting barrel vaults form a(n)
a. exedra
b. spandrel
c. groin vault
d. corbelled vault
17. Which of the following is a series of arches in a row?
a. arcade
b. aqueduct
c. spandrel
d. entablature
18. What is the name of the trapezoidal stone blocks used to build an arch?
a. tesserae
b. voussoir
c. palmettes
d. centering
19. What is the topmost stone in an arch called?
a. palmette
b. keystone
c. tondo
d. spandrel
20. Which of the following is the oldest Aegean Civilization?
a. Minoan
b. Mycenaean
c. Cycladic
d. Greek
21. Which of the following best describes Cycladic sculpture?
a. it has been reduced to geometric essentials
b. it is rounded and fleshy
c. they are in the shapes of houses, boats, birds and animals
d. their glazes are splashed freely over them
22. The Minoan writing that has been deciphered is
a. hieroglyphic
b. Linear A
c. Linear B
d. cuneiform
23. Minoan writing has given us information about their
a. international relations
b. administration and inventories
c. religion and temples
d. wars
24. The face or front wall of a building is called a
a. peristyle
b. architrave
c. entablature
d. façade
25. Highly finished, precisely cut blocks of stone laid in even rows is called
a. dressed stone
b. capstone
c. slipstone
d. pietra serena
26. What was the purpose of the large number of rooms and corridors in Knossos?
a. to house the human-eating Minotaur
b. they were living quarters
c. they were offering rooms with altars
d. they were storerooms for trade goods
e. both b and d
27. Which did the Minoans practice?
a. bull fighting
b. vaulting over a bull
c. running of the bulls
d. bull wrestling
e. MMA
28. A common theme for Minoan ceramics is
a. battle scenes
b. houses, boats, birds, and animals
c. ocean life, plants and animals
d. cord patterns
29. Which subject occurs most often in the world's art?
a. mythological characters and their stories
b. landscape, cityscape, and seascape
c. portraits and contemporary life
d. animals
30. The Helladic culture occurred from
a. 12,000 to 3,000 BCE
b. 1000 to 30 BCE
c. 27 - 395 CE
d. 3,000 to 1,000 BCE
31. Which civilization was most involved in warfare and fortifications?
a. Cycladic
b. Minoan
c. Mycenaean
d. Harappan
32. The Greek war against Troy as told by Homer in the Illiad most likely involved the
a. Cycladic people
b. Minoans
c. Mycenaeans
d. Persians
33. Which of the following is a method of building using huge blocks of rough-hewn stone?
a. ashlar construction
b. cyclopean construction
c. crenellated construction
d. dressed stone construction
34. In masonry construction, what are the rows or layers of stone, brick, or block called?
a. courses
b. granulation
c. cornices
d. pediments
35. Which type of ceiling was used by the Mycenaeans for their beehive tombs?
a. a corbelled vault
b. a relieving arch
c. a groin vault
d. a barrel vault
36. Which of the following is an arched masonry structure that spans an interior space?
a. bracket
b. lintel
c. vault
d. corbel
37. Which of the following is the final, topmost stone in a corbel arch or vault?
a. dressed stone
b. relieving arch
c. cornice
d. capstone
38. The largest free-span in an interior space before the Romans is the
a. palace at Knossos
b. Parthenon
c. Temple of Athena Nike
d. Treasury of Atreus
39. Which of the following is a "great room" or large audience hall in a Mycenaean ruler's residence?
a. naos
b. pronaos
c. megaron
d. peristyle
40. Which of the following is designed to take weight away from a lintel?
a. relieving arch
b. buttress
c. capstone
d. architrave
41. Which is represented on the Lion Gate at Mycenae that shows a Minoan influence?
a. the lions
b. the column
c. the plinth
d. the bulls
42. Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings for practical, aesthetic, and _______ purposes.
a. constructive
b. destructive
c. symbolic
d. historic
43. An arch, which has been rotated in a circle, creates a dome.
a. true
b. false
44. When was the Classical period in Greece?
a. 480 - 323 B.C.
b. 600 - 480 B.C.
c. 3000 - 1000 B.C.
d. 320 - 30 B.C.
45. Who designed the sculpture and supervised the building program of the Parthenon?
a. Pericles
b. Kleisthenes
c. Socrates
d. Phidias
46. Which architectural order(s) is/are used in the Parthenon?
a. Ionic
b. Doric
c. Corinthian
d. both a and b
47. Where are most of the Classical Greek bronze statues?
a. in Rome because of the Roman conquest
b. in the sanctuaries of Delphi
c. melted down and remade into other objects
d. Lord Elgin took them to England
48. Which of the following is a carving of a maiden that functions as a column?
a. caryatid
b. metope
c. volute
d. kore
49. Which of the following is a statue of a nude young man?
a. kylix
b. skene
c. kouros
d. kore
50. Which of the following is a style of ancient Greek pottery in which the objects and figures are black and the background is red?
a. red-figure
b. black-figure
c. Geometric
d. niello