In appraising a single-family home you find a comparable

In appraising a single-family home, you find a comparable property very similar to the subject property. One important difference, however, concerns the financing. The comparable property sold one month ago for $120,000 and was financed with an 80 percent, 30-year mortgage at 5.0 percent interest. Current market financing terms are 80 percent, 30-year mortgage at 7 percent interest. The monthly payments on the market financing would be $638.69, while the monthly payments on the special 5.0 percent financing are $515.35. Assume the borrower's opportunity cost rate is 7 percent. The approximate present value of the present savings on the non-market financing is ______, and this amount should be _______ to the transaction price of the comparable.

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Finance Basics: In appraising a single-family home you find a comparable
Reference No:- TGS01414898

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