In an important study of college graduation rates of all high school matriculants and Black-only matriculants, Bowen and Bok obtained the results in Table 15.19, based on the logit model.
a. What general conclusion do you draw about graduation rates of all matriculants and black-only matriculants?
b. The odds ratio is the ratio of two odds. Compare two groups of all matriculants, one with a SAT score of greater than 1299 and the other with a SAT score of less than 1000 (the base category). The odds ratio of 1.393 means the odds of matriculants in the first category graduating from college are 39 percent higher than those in the latter category. Do the various odds ratios shown in the table accord with a priori expectations?
c. What can you say about the statistical significance of the estimated parameters? What about the overall significance of the estimated model?