
In addition your essay should include clear evidence and


Background When we write to evaluate, we adopt the role of judge, making well-informed, well-reasoned judgements about the worth, value, or effectiveness of something or someone. If you have ever written an Amazon review, a teacher evaluation, or a film critique, then you have done this type of writing before.

Step 1: For your first major essay of the term, watch and take notes on Majora Carter's "Greening the Ghetto."

Step 2: In an 800 to 900-word essay, respond to the following questions: Is the talk worth reading/watching? Why or why not? Your overall judgement of the work should be guided by established criteria. In addition, your essay should include clear evidence and ample reasoning in support of your overall judgement of the text. Remember, your goal here is to walk readers through your judgment, explaining how and why this judgment is valid.

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Other Subject: In addition your essay should include clear evidence and
Reference No:- TGS02609110

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