
In addition the paper will explain why the proposed system

Assignment -

Based on many substantive reports in the news about the continual decline in the Facebook market over the last few years, business analysts have forecasted more decline in the same index over the next decade in the United States in particular and the entire globe at large. However, this is in relation to lack of interest from the following age demographics: preteens, teenagers, and those in mid 20s. Our team of consultants (Facebook employees) has come up with an idea of building an integrated App that solves the problems and challenges faced by Facebook in this regard. The system is aimed at targeting the above mentioned demographics. Similarly, we realized that other social media apps such as twitter, telegram, and Snapchat are proving to be more attractive because they are embedded with more intuitive features that young people of today would normally like to interact with. Our solution will also include many unique features to be added in Facebook's current existing system. The goal is to come up with a much better product for much better services at a significantly reduced cost and greater expected revenue.

Below are the requirements needed for a project for Software Analysis and Design.

Please NOTE ONLY NEED THE COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS (Developmental, Operational, Tangible and Intangible), Using ROI, Break-Even, NPV, Cash Flow.

1) The presentation & paper must include:

a. "Each presentation should take no less than forty (40) minutes and no more than sixty (60) minutes plus be prepared for 10 minutes of questions and discussion."

b. "The project requires your team to be either employees of or consultants to the enterprise that will benefit from the project"

c. "The project owner is in place before your first presentation."

d. "Your team has been notified that your project is competing with other enterprise projects for the limited funds available."

e. "A list the constraints"

f. "The assumptions used in defining the project."

g. "A minimum of three (3) logical models"

h. "The incorporation of at least one fact finding technique"

i. "An end user scenario vs. OEM or start up / new venture"

Besides a list of project requirements, you may want to use process flow charts, procedures, or policy statements to articulate your business solution. This paper will focus on user inputs - how it was gathered, who you selected to solicit input from and what the results were etc. You must indicate how your project complements your enterprise's overall objectives and states the competitive advantage your project will provide. This paper will not include any specific hardware, software or pricing recommendations. If clarity requires it, you can include generic hardware and / or software and estimated "ball park" pricing. Other clarification notes for this assignment:

j. The feasibility analysis should not be "solution" oriented but rather requirements focused as outlined in the text.

k. Until all the requirements are collected & understood, a decision matrix with scores & weights is premature. This will be addressed in the final presentation not in the initial presentation.

l. Include the project's risks, scope. Objectives, stakeholders, etc.

m. Remember requirements are logical, business centric and should be collected from the target users that would account for the "project's benefits / ROI". Also, they should be generated using terminology stakeholders understand.

n. The source of your requirements should be detailed.

o. Insure any use cases you include are stated the way a user would describe his / her scenario of the way he /she want to interact with the system

p. Process flows should include any changes made to the existing working procedures / environment.

q. When the assignment mentions OO / UML, it is not referring to code but rather their use to generate logical requirements.

r. List all the constraints imposed by the system owner

s. An "acid" test of your presentation is reviewing it to inure it business centric, logical in nature, stakeholder requirements focused & void of either technology or a solution. (Paper #1 - Business Requirements Paper)

2) Each team will present (using Microsoft PowerPoint or equivalent) their Business Requirements (Paper #1) to the class on a date assigned to you. On the day of the first presentation, each student will submit a printed hard copy of their presentation (with presentation notes) and a copy of their 1 -3 page paper.

3) Your final presentation will consist of an oral (Power Point presentation) and written report that typically terminates the Design phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). On the date assigned for your second presentation, each team will each team will hand in a printed hard copy of their Power Point Slides and of a 5-7 page paper (350 words per page) summarizing the Project Proposal (Paper #2) for a corporate review committee. This proposal will restate your executive summary (which may be altered based on management feedback) and will also include a detailed feasibility analysis matrix with a minimum of 3 candidates. (Refer to Chapter 11). It will also include possible databases, sample inputs, sample outputs and any models for the information technology solution he / she chose to solve the business problem you selected earlier.

This presentation & paper must include:

a. "Each presentation should take no less than forty (40) minutes and no more than sixty (60) minutes plus be prepared for 10 minutes of questions and discussion."

b. "The specific hardware & software being evaluated / chosen"

c. "A detained feasibility analysis+

d. "A completed candidate matrix and articulation of a scoring / weighting rationale that ties back to the requirement you provided in your first presentation"

e. "Reasonably estimated costs of the solution you selected"

f. "A substantive ROI analysis that incorporates the time value of money, estimated prices, cost / benefits analysis and the reasons for selecting the proposed system to be built / purchased"

g. "A complete disclosure of all benefits with a detailed description of how they were monetized. Specifically all cost reductions (i.e. staff reductions, increased productivity, more accuracy, etc.) must be explained thoroughly as well as all revenue increases (i.e. better decision making, increased customer loyalty, staff redeployment, more sales time, etc.)"

h. In addition, the paper will explain why the proposed system favorably competes for funding among the other alternatives that exist in your organization.

4) Once again, each team will present (using Microsoft PowerPoint or equivalent) and on the day of the presentation, each team will submit a printed hard copy of theirpresentation (with presentation notes) and their 5 - 7 page paper. (Paper #2 - Project Proposal)

5) As stated above, each class member will make two presentations. Your presentation should be a synopsis of the business situation you addressed, any alternatives you considered, a feasibility analysis, the business requirements resolved with your solution, the hardware, database and software recommended, sample input and output screens, the constraints you accepted, the assumptions you made, a cost/benefit analysis and an ROI. The fluid nature of technology today dictates that there is no single "right" answer to your project, and you should not expect there to be one. You should be prepared to defend your presentation and respond intelligently to alternate solutions and ideas suggested by your classmates.

Use cases:

Timed Destruct messaging:

In the message compose box of the messenger, the user clicks/touch to open a drop-down option of times for the message to self-destruct. Any text or multimedia messages posted will remain in the chat history based on the self-destruct timer set by the user. If no time is set, the message will remain in the chat history.

Group Video Conversation:

During a video conversation between two users, either users can invite other contacts in their messenger to join for a group video call. Maximum up-to 7 total users can be in a group conversation.

Augmented reality photography:

1) When users take a photo from messenger, option will appear to add various tags based on the location, or users can type in content and place the content anywhere in the picture.

2) Users will be able to share the picture to other contacts; or publicly.

3) Users can click/touch the "find near here" tab, select either private or public content. Based on the tags available on the location, users will be available to see the tags and user content in their camera view finder.

4) Users can turn on the AR notification, and select the kinds of notification to receive. Users can also set the distance range of AR content for notification. The mobile app will notify when relevant AR content in the vicinity is found.

Usage Analytics:

1) Internal Facebook teams will view the usage statistics, error reports and feedback reports on the new features.

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Software Engineering: In addition the paper will explain why the proposed system
Reference No:- TGS02701821

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