
In a report of 2500-3500 words describe analyze and

In a report of 2500-3500 words, describe, analyze, and evaluate the R&S process used in an organization of your choice. This organization can be

  • an organization in which you are (or were) employed.
  • an organization in which you can conduct an interview with a person who is responsible for R&S.
  • a fictitious organization that is loosely based upon one that you have encountered in the past or know about through reading or conversation.

Your report should address the following questions (at minimum):

1. How does the organization approach the nature and composition of the workforce? For example, does it emphasize low cost or high performance? -Internal or external labour markets?

2. How many positions are filled annually? How many applications are received for each vacant position?

3. What methods are used to recruit applicants?

4. What is the general approach to selection (i.e., statistical, judgmental, or a combination of the two)?

5. What selection devices or methods are employed?

6. Are these selection devices or methods validated? How?

7. Does the organization attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of its R&S system? If so, how? Which model does it apply?

8. Is the R&S system integrated into the organization's strategic management system? If so, how? If not, how would you describe the relationship between the two systems?

9. To what extent does R&S abide by human rights principles at each stage of the process? Be specific.

10. In what other ways could the R&S process be evaluated either positively or negatively?

11. In light of the above issues, what recommendations would you make to improve the R&S process in the organization?

Maximizing Your Mark

1. Ensure that your report analyzes and evaluates an organization's recruitment and selection process; don't just describe it! Your recommendations should flow from your analysis and evaluation of the system.

2. Frame your analysis in a way that demonstrates your familiarity with key elements of the course, including the terminology.

3. Orient your marker by providing a brief background description of the organization, including information about the industrial sector, size, purpose or mission, and market position of the organization. Be sure to change the name, location, and other specific descriptors to conceal the identity of the organization and individuals who are the subject of the report.

4. Clearly indicate which questions each section of your report is answering.

Before You Begin

1. Your answer should be approximately 2500-3500 words in length.

2. Use headings to clearly indicate which parts of this assignment you are answering in each section of your report. Ensure that your report directly addresses all components of the assignment.

3. Clearly reference any information that you quote directly or paraphrase, including material you find in the online Study Guide.
All quotations and sources of ideas should be identified by way of in-text citations and a reference list. You must also acknowledge information you paraphrase (i.e., information you glean from a source and put into your own words), including material from the Study Guide or other course materials. 
Use APA Style for citations of all sources outside this course website. For citing material from this course website, the author of this course is Jason Foster and the year of publication is 2015. If you quote material from the course website, use the lesson number instead of a page number in your citation: (Foster, 2015, Lesson 5, Notes).

4. The Athabasca University Calendar contains information about interpretations of and penalties for plagiarism and academic misconduct.Please review this information.

5. Be sure to read the Assignment Details page. The link is in the Evaluation block on the course home page.

6. Contact the Student Support Centre if you have any questions about this assignment or how to cite paraphrased or quoted material correctly.

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Business Management: In a report of 2500-3500 words describe analyze and
Reference No:- TGS02875238

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