In a paper of six pages not including cover and reference page, present your work in good form including effective, credible, and professional writing. APA format with the in text citations and references.
Identify a small set (3â5 items) of "wicked" problems facing, which you believe can be productively addressed by IT as part of a revised strategic information systems plan. Provide the following for each of the "wicked" problems you have identified:
Analyze each wicked problem identified earlier and any strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities associated with the wicked problems and knowledge gained from:
- Reliable sources on the Internet.
- Books.
- Brainstorming.
- Any other resources available to you.
- Carefully construct a set of strategic alternatives, which may realistically be applied toward a solution of each wicked problem you have identified.
- Be sure that:
At least one strategic alternative is proposed for each wicked problem.
- Each strategic alternative you propose is realistic, given time, resource, and other constraints.
- Each strategic alternative you propose can be part of a strategic information systems plan.
- Strategic alternatives which are mutually inconsistent are so marked.
- Brief justification is included for each of these strategic alternatives listed.