
In a matrix org you have to have natural leaders they could

In a Matrix Org you have to have natural leaders. They could lead a cross functional team or a project. I found this list of what it takes to be a natural leader. Do you agree with these? Are they too "vague"?

12 Characteristics of Natural Leaders

A natural leader doesn’t necessarily intend to lead; others simply feel naturally compelled to follow. (Or put another way: A natural leader doesn’t lead, he or she just is, and others just naturally follow.)

A natural leader is inspired and inspiring, and often inspiring others to, themselves, be inspiring.

A natural leader is the heart, rather than the head, of an organization, radiating both passion and love.

A natural leader encourages rather than directs.

A natural leader enables rather than the controls.

A natural leader holds a deep and dynamic vision, rather than authority.

A natural leader empowers rather than rewards.

A natural leader is not a natural follower.

A natural leader is confident, but not egotistical.

A natural leader doesn’t dwell on problems, but rather is driven towards positive outcomes.

A natural leader is independent and yet inclusive.

A natural leader is a dreamer and a doer.

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Operation Management: In a matrix org you have to have natural leaders they could
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