Question 1: When American servicemen occupied Japan following World War II, the Japanese watched the Americans playing baseball, appreciated the sport, and adopted it themselves. Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan. This adoption of baseball by the Japanese is an example of:
A. cultural diffusion.
B. discovery.
C. reformulation.
D. technological innovation.
Question 2: In a four-square block section of midtown Manhattan, it is possible to purchase a bagel with cream cheese, eat stir-fried vegetables prepared in a wok, or dine on raw fish in a sushi bar. What does this range of culinary possibilities illustrate?
A. Cultural absolutism
B. Cultural bridging
C. Cultural diffusion
D. Cultural innovation
Question 3: Although personal computers have become efficient, cost effective, and user friendly, many people refuse to learn how to use them. What term describes this reluctance by some people to embrace new technology?
A. Cultural lag
B. Cultural diffusion
C. Cultural leveling
D. Cultural wars
Question 4: A __________ is when values coexist, such as hard work, education, and efficiency.
A. value cluster
B. value strain
C. value coexistence
D. value contradiction