
In a bid to reach the set goals by the organization then it

Chapter 3

Q1. The significance of a having a team is to ensure that there is the efficient operation of the company. In a bid to reach the set goals by the organization, then it calls for the team to reorganize themselves well and ensure that there is proper coordination. Besides, organization structure is vital in understanding the link between the management as well as the workers in an organization.

At the same time, it assists the organization to segregate individual employees in different sectors. On the other hand, organization structure assists in the strengthening of the hierarchy alongside the execution scheme at an organization (Daft, 2016).

Q6. Since rational coordination is the communication, which is usually, conducted regularly at the required period with the aim of sharing goals and knowledge to coordinate certain task. As a manager, I will provide liberty to all workers so that they can express themselves freely by giving their opinion whenever the company is facedwith any problem and give suggestions whenever it called for.

Q7. The conditions that should be present before an organization adopts a matrix structure include. The pressure to allocate the required resources that are limited and scars, the pressurewithin the environment and lastly pressure on dual authority (Daft, 2016).

Q9. An organization that applies horizontal structure promotes the workers to freely share the knowledge as well as the critical decision in a horizontal means. On the other hand, with the design, the information is not restricted to the hierarchy system, but it moves or flows throughdifferent routes. Besides, horizontal, the structure allows employees to discharge their duties in a team and encourage creativity. Thus, the system helps in supervision rates and enhance productivity.

Chapter 5

Q3. As a manager of the small firm ,I would take actions to succeed and be able to survive without being dependent on other company ensuring that: I maintain the long term contract with labors in order to minimize the dependency looking for other workers to do the job, it's important to create a good working relationship with labor and lastly, maintain good relationships with the larger firm. From the point of a large firm, I would make some agreements with other organization, join a trade association to enhance coordination and maintain a strong relationship with other companies.

Q4. I think it is very vital for an organization to develop a strong relationship with everyone it works with. This is because it is equally significant for a company to initiate their confidence as well as a trust to enable them to achieve the win-win scenario. On the other hand, it becomes so easy to operate with partnership business since it is easy to hand and operate it. I believe that through adversarial links it will enable short-term contracts as well as partnerships, which always have long-term contracts (Daft, 2016).

Q7. The process of innovation usually takes place in the following ways

Variation: this is the emergence of new companies in an organization set up

Selection: it is vital for an organization to makea selection in some of the most appropriate choices available in the event it is up to some serious innovation.

Retention: is very significant for any company that wants to innovate.

Q8. Yes, I believe that legitimacy motivates a huge chunk of an organization, this is because it installs a lot of confidence to the workers and that makes them believe that they are discharging their mandate correctly. I believe that legitimacy leads to a good reputation as well as the success of the organization. The company which has a good reputation will Surely succeed.


Daft, L. (2016). Organization Theory and Design, 12th Edition. [BryteWave].

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Operation Management: In a bid to reach the set goals by the organization then it
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