In a analysis the target employee population is split in

Multiple Choice Questions 

1. As organization size increases, the likelihood that there will be a highly centralized HR department _________. 

A. increases

B. decreases

C. stays about the same

D. none of the above 

2. Staffing members must coordinate their activities with __________. 

A. benefits staff

B. compensation staff

C. training and development staff

D. all of the above are true 

3. Which of the following is true regarding jobs in staffing? 

A. Entry into staffing jobs normally occurs at the generalist rank.

B. There is usually a fixed point of entry into staffing jobs.

C. Jobs in staffing are becoming increasingly customer focused and facilitative in nature.

D. Few are housed in the HR department. 

4. Which of the following statements regarding staffing policies and procedures is true? 

A. they seldom contribute to organizational efficiency

B. they help to ensure legal compliance

C. they often lead to negative applicant reactions

D. all of the above are true 

5. Research suggests that organizational decision making is seen as most fair when it is based on _____. 

A. social influence

B. clearly communicated decision criteria

C. processes tailored to each unique individual

D. all of the above

6. Human resources information systems have been used for which of the following functions? 

A. EEO data analysis and reports

B. employee succession planning

C. databases of job titles and responsibilities

D. all of the above

7. An ASP or SaaS provider offers which of the following services? 

A. techniques to prevent managers from accessing HR data

B. hardware and software for running HR systems

C. paper-based forms and data for the organization

D. all of the above

8. The contracting out of work to a vendor or third party administrator is called ____________. 

A. outsourcing

B. temping

C. contracting

D. boundary spanning 

9. Which of the following factors is most likely to be a reason not to outsource HR activities? 

A. vendors have little expertise

B. vendors are less flexible to meet changing needs

C. vendors have few resources to offer

D. vendors meet resistance within HR and line management 

10. Which of the following functions are most likely to be outsourced? 

A. recruiting creative talent for an advertising agency

B. screening registered nurses for a long-term care facility

C. recruiting and selecting individuals for teams

D. providing employee orientation

11. For ______, it is better to keep staffing functions within the organization, rather than outsourcing. 

A. small organizations

B. organizations with continual hiring needs

C. firm-specific human capital

D. general human capital

12. Which of the following statements is not an important step in staffing process evaluations? 

A. Mapping out the intended process.

B. Identifying deviations from the intended process.

C. The norm is for organizations to conduct validation studies.

D. Correction actions should be planned to eliminate deviations. 

13. Which of the following best fits the description of a staffing flowchart? 

A. it shows the distance from staffing to strategic operational concerns

B. it depicts the actual flow of staffing activities from vacancy to hire

C. it provides evidence of how staffing measures increase performance directly

D. it is a physical model of staffing using flows to show movement 

14. In a ________ analysis, the target employee population is split in half, and the new HR program is initiated with only one of these halves. 

A. longitudinal

B. split-sample


D. factor 

15. In a ________ analysis, data from a long period of time is collected both before and after a staffing policy or procedure is implemented. 

A. longitudinal

B. split-sample


D. factor

16. Comparative staffing process data can be obtained from the _________. 

A. Society for Human Resource Management

B. HR Data Sources Corporation

C. Department of Labor

D. None of the above

17. The four common types of staffing metrics evaluate _____. 

A. performance, process, quantity, and quality

B. rectification, justification, elaboration, and relation

C. cost, timeliness, outcomes, and reactions

D. speed, diligence, dedication, and perseverance

18. Increasingly, organizations are emphasizing __________ as a key indicator of staffing effectiveness because vacancies can mean loss of revenue. 

A. yield ratios

B. employee satisfaction surveys

C. staffing-to-employee ratios

D. time to fill 

19. Staffing metrics are increasingly used because _____. 

A. they demonstrate substantial returns in their own right

B. they are readily communicated across the organization

C. they are mandated by the Full Data Reporting in Employment Act

D. they are seen as a method to move staffing into the accounting function 

20. Advertising expenses and cost per applicant are examples of __________ staffing metrics. 

A. cost

B. timeliness

C. outcomes

D. reactions

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HR Management: In a analysis the target employee population is split in
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