In a 20-page strategic plan include the following

Case - Hillsboro County Home Health Agency, Inc.

In a 20-page strategic plan, include the following components:

Mission statement (provided in the case study)

Vision statement

Core values

SWOT analysis

Grand strategies or long-term strategic priorities

Operational and tactical plan

Key performance and evaluation indicators

Change management plan, including the following:

  • The size of the change and its impact on the community and the organization
  • The organization's readiness for change
  • Change management strategy
  • Team structure and responsibilities
  • Sponsor roles and responsibilities
  • Planning and implementation
  • Communications plan
  • Change management resistance plan
  • Training plan
  • Incentives and celebration of successes
  • Timeline/schedule of activities
  • Budget for change management

The 20-page narrative plan should be written as if it were to be presented to the board of directors. The plan should also include the following pages that will not count toward the 20-page limit:

  • One-page Executive Summary
  • Tables, graphs, and/or charts

Case -

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Dissertation: In a 20-page strategic plan include the following
Reference No:- TGS02335074

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