Assessment Task: ePortfolio Information
Assessment Objectives: To assess the students' understanding of the coursework in relation to the course learning objectives.
The Task: To develop an ePortfolio that demonstrates an understanding of the module content. A series of 7 questions are included in your weekly learnings that together make up this assessment. Each question will specify a word limit and will be required to be correctly referenced using APA referencing.
1: Mental health Vs Mental illness
In 500 words compare and contrast the terms mental health and mental illness. You must use a minimum of 4 current references in your response.
2: Mental State Examination
Using the assessment prompts document from assessment One, complete the MSE on Jonathon from the first 2 videos and attach it to your ePortfolio.
3. Diagnostic Categories
Choose one of the following
- Panic Disorder
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Schizophrenia
Present a 500 word description of the diagnostic criteria, including elements such as:
- prevalence,
- Culture-Related Diagnostic Issues,
- Gender-Related Diagnostic Issues and
- Differential Diagnosis
4. Risk Assessment
After watching the videos presented in module 5 you must complete the risk assessment from your MH prompts document and add it to your ePortfolio.
5. Interventions:
Jane is very concerned that Jonathon has been started on an anti-depressant medication. (Pick a single one from either the SSRI or SNRI classes of anti-depressant medication). In 500 words outline the information you would give Jane in relation to this. Include side effects, long term response and any further information you feel necessary. You must reference your work with a minimum of 4 references.
6. Exploring your local mental health services.
This week's ePortfolio task requires you to explore what services may be available to Jonathon in your local area.
Don't forget to include any services that may be accessed via the internet or telephone services. In your MH&MHN ePortfolio list a minimum of 10 services, including public and private sector services as well as Non-government organisations (NGOs) and chose three services to expand on: one must be a government service and the other two include at least one form the other sectors.
In your response of no more than 200 words per service outline what they provide, how their services are delivered and the source of funding for the service.
7. Reflection:
This final task of the ePortfolio is a capstone for the course that requires you to critically reflect on you learning journey.
Take a moment and reflect on the following questions, in light of your weekly reflections:
- "What do I know about mental health?"
- "Do I have any fears or concerns about mental health?"
- "How do I react towards people I see or people I know who live with a mental health problem?"
After reviewing how you responded to these questions, your task is to critically reflect on them in light of your new knowledge in this area.
In your response consider the following;
- Is there is a change in response?
- What do you think contributed to this? If there is no change why do you think this is so?
- What is your "take home message" from this course
Word Limit: 350-400 words.
Attachment:- Assessment Promps.rar