In 2014 the us air force was rocked by a widespread

In 2014, the U.S. Air Force was rocked by a widespread cheating scandal at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Before they go on duty with U.S. nuclear-armed intercontinental balistic missile, officers are trained in classrooms and simulators. Each month, nuclear missile launch officers ("missileers") are required to take a 20-30 question knowledge test in each of three subjects: weapons systems, code handling, and emergency war orders. In order to pass, they must attain a minimum score of 90%. An investigation found that officers shared answers to the monthly proficiency tests, largely by the use of smart phones. Approximately half of the base's 183 missileers were implicated in the scandal -- having either been directly accused of cheating or having been aware of the cheating and failing to report it. Ultimately, the Air Force fired 9 mid-level commanders, disciplined dozens of junior officers, and accepted the resignation of the commander at the Malmstrom Air Force Base. The Air Force secretary, Deborah Lee James, suggested that a "climate of fear" may have led missileers to share answers to the tests. She said that crew members -- while not admitting to cheating -- told her that they felt pressure to score 100% on the proficiency tests, and there existed the perception their careers would be derailed if they did not score 100% on the knowledge tests. Ultimately, the Air Force simplified the way it grades missileers by making the monthly certification tests pass-fail. In your opinion,

• Who is/are most responsible for this cheating scandal? The missileers who shared the answers to the monthly proficiency exams? The missileers who used the shared answers to cheat on the monthly proficiency tests? The missileers who were aware of the cheating and failed to report it? Those in leadership positions that created the "climate of fear"?

• Is the behavior of any of the missileers who cheated justified in any way by the organizational culture or "climate of fear" described by Secretary James? Why or why not?

• Do you agree with the Air Force's decision to make the monthly certification exams pass/fail? Why or why not?

• What other steps can the Air Force take to improve the organizational culture at Malmstrom Air Force Base?

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Operation Management: In 2014 the us air force was rocked by a widespread
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