
In 200-250 words explore a personal connection or tie-in to


You must follow each requirements in the guideline specifically and clearly

I need the work in less than 12 hours

I want prefect Readings: Shakespeare's King Lear Acts II - V

Your assignment is to write a 400-500 word Reading Response in which you identify and thoroughly analyze ONE specific passage (3-6 lines) from Acts 2 - 5 of King Lear and explore a personal connection to the passage.

STEP 1: Choose a short passage from Acts II through V of the play (not from Act I) and quote it in your response. The passage should be approx. 3-6 lines long.

STEP 2. In 200-250 words, perform a close reading of this passage. Analyze the significance of the passage in itself and for the play as a whole. This requires that you suggest an interpretation of the text (or some particular aspect of the text, such as theme or character).

STEP 3. In 200-250 words, explore a personal connection or tie-in to this passage. What relevance does this passage have for you, your life, our world?

MLA tips:

• When quoting plays, you must include the act, scene, and lines number, and specify who says them. When characters speak in blank verse, you should include the forward slash at line blanks (like a poem).

• For help with MLA citation, see UIW library or Purdue OWL
• For SHORT passages (3 lines or less) use format for short quotes: o Lear insists that "Nothing will come of nothing. Speak again" (Shakespeare 1.1.99).

o In Shakespeare's King Lear, Cordelia responds to her father by saying: "Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave / My heart into my mouth" (1.1.100-01).

• For LONG passages (4 lines or more) use format for block quotes:

Cordelia explains the nature of her love for her father: Good my lord, You have begot me, bred me, loved me. I return those duties back as are right fit: Obey you, love you, and most honor you. Why have my sisters husbands if they say They love you all? (1.1.105-10).

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Other Subject: In 200-250 words explore a personal connection or tie-in to
Reference No:- TGS02485721

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