
Improve your collaboration skills



Purpose & Objectives:

It is designed to provide opportunities for you to reflect on what you have learned through class sessions, the course text, and your experiences as a parent via either the MyVirtualChild simulation. Upon completing this assignment you should be able to:

(a) Analyze and synthesize at least 2 theoretical perspectives (i.e., see Chapter 1 of the textbook) on development

(b) Make explicit connections between theory-to-practice regarding concepts in development

(c) Practice ways to apply developmental theories/concepts to the world of parenting/raising children

(d) Improve your collaboration skills with peers


Create a 3-4 page single-spaced document, succinctly and clearly reflect on your experiences parenting your "virtual child." Be sure to make references to course concepts whenever appropriate. Your paper should be divided into two distinct sections clearly delineated with the headings "Section I" and Section II". You can choose to include a Works Cited, References page if you are citing or paraphrasing other author's materials.

Section I - What Went Right/Wrong? (approximately 1-2 pages)

Reflect on your child's experiences growing up. Describe in detail onething that you believe positively influenced AND one thing thatnegatively influenced your child's development as they were growing up. In your role as a parent and/or an informed professional in the field of child & adolescent development, be sure to use appropriate terminology & concepts of development in your description about these experiences (and the impact of these experiences) on your child's learning & development. A strong paper will incorporate theoretical perspectives and concepts which are directly applicable to the specific experience. In addition, a strong paper will illustrate that the author has a strong command/understanding of specific relevant concepts of child & adolescent development.

Section II - Advice & Informed Suggestions (approximately 2 pages)

Reflect on your overall experiences in this class including your experiences as a virtual parent/parent. What have you gained from this semester experience learning about the physical, social, and cognitive development of children & adolescents? In terms of your personal & professional life, in what ways has this impacted you? In what ways do you feel you will be able to use what you have learned/gained? In what ways do you expect you will use content gained from the course? A strong paper will provide in-depth, meaningful ways the course content is relevant to one's personal & professional life.

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Case Study: Improve your collaboration skills
Reference No:- TGS01856121

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