
Improve the way in which training and development is

The CEO of the global Hawkeye Research Corporation wants to improve the way in which training and development is conducted in the organisation.

To enable this, the CEO needs a Report written that is to be called "Critical Individual Factors for Enhanced Organisational Learning". It is to be authored by you, the Head of Human Resources.

The Report must contain four sections addressing:

1. A brief explanation of what the brain does when it learns

2. Improving brain functioning for learning - practical steps

3. Optimising individual adult learning

4. Enhancing workplace learning

In addition to more general but reliable information, you must also look at research evidence on each of the above to come to a well-argued position, taking care to relate your findings to the operational workplace. Your Report should conclude with Recommendations about what Hawkeye should do to improve training and organisational learning that should lead to greater organisational capability. The Report is to generate a clear list of Recommendations flowing from your research findings. This may include investment in specific types of programmes for employees or other activities you think appropriate. You may make additional recommendations regarding further research that might be needed to form a more fulsome understanding of other factors that would have a positive effect on making learning at work better.

In writing the Report look at least at the academic literature on how adults learn, how the human mind can be made more ready to learn, how cognitive functioning can be enhanced and the negative effects of alcohol, opioids, "ice", cannabis and other drugs on short and long term brain function, and the impact of such substances on the ability to learn and perform in the workplace.

You do not need to draw up a budget or an implementation schedule for your Recommendations at this time. That is not within the scope of this Report. Be sure to indicate the limitations of your Report, given its relative brevity.

Whichever option is chosen, the Business Report you attempt must demonstrate your ability to target suitable research and reference correctly using credible sources including internet, published books andat least six reputable journal articles on the topic. It is important that your sources are credible and that you write the Business Report in the standard Business Report format as shown in one of your textbooks. You will need to find out about business report structures yourself as well as hearing about them in the two hour weekly meetings. Additionally, be sure to complete the compulsory University Academic Integrity Module and the INFOSKILLS Tutorial and look at the relevant sections on research, writing and referencing of the Communications Handbook by Summers and Smith (citation below) that are part of your textbook pack.

Attachment:- Sample Report.rar

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Dissertation: Improve the way in which training and development is
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