
important points for key frame systems - computer

Important points for Key Frame Systems - Computer Animation

In key frame systems the "in-between" "tweening" or frames can be created from the specification of two or more key frames and amongst them we can put the motion path of the object in consideration through illustrating its kinematics description like a set of spline curves. For complicated scenes we can separate the frames in particular components or objects termed as cels that is Celluloid transparencies. In these complicated scenes, we can interpolate the position of particular objects among any two times. Also in this interval the complicate objects in the scene may suffer from various transformations as the shape or size of object might change over time, and so on or the whole object may change to several other objects. These transformations in a key frame system cause Morphing, Zooming, Partial motion, Panning that is shifting of background or foreground to provide the illusion which the camera seems to obey the moving object, hence the background or foreground seems to be in motion.

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Computer Graphics: important points for key frame systems - computer
Reference No:- TGS0412281

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