
important information about the federal

Important information about The Federal Reserve

The current Central Bank of the United States is the Federal Reserve founded in 1913.

Your supervisor came into the office this morning very upset. He informs you that he attended a meeting the previous evening where he learned that the Federal Reserve was organized, illegally, through a conspiracy of private citizens; many included rich industrialists from Europe. He also discovered that the sole purpose of the Federal Reserve is to make money for these rich industrialists. He asks you to research the Federal Reserve and answer three questions:

Is the Federal Reserve a legal entity?

What influence has it had on financial markets, especially this last year?

Would the country be better off without a Federal Reserve?

Respond with a four to six paragraph memo, in business format.

Follow up with a continuing dialog this week on whether or not the Federal Reserve behaves in a socially responsible manner, and whether or not it should be disbanded.

Your work MUST include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. Please note that if you have a source in your reference section, you need to cite it in the body of the paper and vice-versa, per APA guidelines.

Objective: The objective of the Unit 5 DB Assignment will involve the following Course Outcomes and Grading Criteria with their respective percentages for the Grading Rubric:

Define the role of ethics and social responsibility in business.

Recognize situations that present potential ethical and legal issues and develop solutions for those issues.

Research current leadership styles and strategies in management.

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Business Management: important information about the federal
Reference No:- TGS0483206

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