Important information about Team work
It is my belief that when teams are first formulated every individual approaches a new team with a measure of trust in each team member regardless of potential risks that have not yet surfaced. Based on my experience, I've worked with several teams in different intervals throughout the course of my profession, in which case I was compelled to have a modicum of trust which is most often defined as "blind faith in strangers," as a result of rapid increase of change in team members, thus resulting in restarting the team building cycle of forming, storming, norming, and performing (FSNP) over again. According to Dr. Bruce Tuckman (1965) the aforementioned team development model explains that as teams begin to evolve, grow, and mature in ability, leadership styles are also affected as a result of behavioral and organizational changes in patterns. The impact of interpersonal relationships in teams will depend upon whether the relationships are subjected to positivity or the opposite.
I find that trust that team members are going to have the same drive and determination to complete a tasks and exceed corporate expectations are automatically assumed instantaneously, however in some cases the assumption that all team members are on the same wavelength will consequently result in misinterpretation of instructions, miscommunication, and unresolved conflicts that will inevitably result in mistrust as time progresses. Paradoxically, it has been my assessment that when team members are getting to know one another, each member is suppose to critically dissect the teams strengths and areas of weakness and turn all forms of weaknesses into strengths. In theory, this assessment is the making of a somewhat perfect team; however, when functioning within diverse teams I've learned that there are some members who strive for excellence outside of the status quo, whereas other members contribute just enough to meet a quota or deadline. Consequently, both scenarios does not or will not automatically guarantee that trust will be rendered or easily accessible by the rest of the team, instead team members and team leaders will be apprehensive about new team members entering the group.