
Important data in organizational change


Your firm is experiencing growing pains from its development into a multinational corporation. The work that needs to get done is not getting done there is too much to do. Goals are not being met. Opportunities are being lost. Staff members in other countries feel they are treated as "second class" to those in the U.S. office. There is resentment between international branches. Complaints have increased. How would you restructure the firm to keep up with its international growth? Consider the growth of the firm as expressed through these assignments and write out your plan to change the organization to fit its new multinational status.

Assume your foreign subsidiaries are newly acquired and don't know exactly what you expect from them. Bear in mind that they are located in different countries,

What is the most important data you would want to receive? How often? Why? What would you report to them? When? Why? (Hint: reports on sales are strategically important)

How would you solve for different levels of technology (some countries may not even have faxes?)

In view of the above, how would establish responsibility levels?

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Management: Important data in organizational change
Reference No:- TGS01961324

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