
Importance of resilience in the design process

Question 1) Describe the following Phases of Design Process

i) Need

ii) Feasibility Study

iii) Preliminary Design

iv) Detailed design

b) Describe STANDARDISATION and write 5 advantages of standardization

c) Write down the FOUR steps involved in the selection of materials and explain

i) Analysis of the material requirement

ii) Screening of candidate materials

Question 2)a) What did you mean by Balanced design? What are all factors to be considered while balancing the design? Discuss with neat sketch the balanced design in respect of tapered cantilever beam and uniform cantilever beam with uniform thickness

b) What is Resilience? What is the importance of resilience in the design process? Describe with proper example.

c) ‘Buckling is a failure due to insufficient stiffness and instability ’ Discuss the factor and also suggest SIX preventive measures to overcome the failure.

Question 3) Describe the following terms with respect to Design for machining with neat sketch.

i) Hole at an angle

ii) Location of drain hole

iii) Position of machined surface

iv) Fastening of a bracket

v) Size of machined surfaces vi) tapping holes in a flange .

b) Explain the following terms with respect to Design for Assembly with example.

i) Cost of assembly

ii) Minimize the total number of parts

iii) Minimize the assembly surfaces

iv) minimize the assembly direction

v) Avoid separate fasteners

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Other Subject: Importance of resilience in the design process
Reference No:- TGS06442

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