importance of research in nursingit is the

Importance of Research in Nursing:

It is  the responsibility of the nursing profession  to discover, verify, structure and restructure the professional knowledge through  systematic  inquiry, Research is  the  only way to: 

i) Build  a body of nursing knowledge,. 

ii) Validate improvements in nursing  practice, and 

iii) Make health  care efficient  as well  as cost-effective. Therefore,  if nursing profession is  to  remain viable, that if it has plans to continue  to provide its services, then research must be an inseparable component of nursing. 

1) Need  for Developing Nursing Knowledge 

The practitioner  of nursing, like  any other profession  depends on specialized way of verified knowledge and skills.  Since nursing is  a service, it has a social responsibility  to develop knowledge that contributes  to  the advancement of nursing practice. Further, the discipline  of nursing  needs  to build theories  for nursing  that would add  to  the  body  of  fundamental  knowledge, which  can also be shared  by  other disciplines. Therefore,  there  is  a need  to develop nursing knowledge  (theories) which will guide  in  the practice of nursing.  

ii) Research to  Improve Nursing Practice In  nursing, the direction  of building nursing theories is comparatively  new. Therefore,  nursing has a, task of developing a scientific base for nursing practice. In &her words, we  can  say this  stresses\the  need for verifying and testing the  tqeories  through nursing research  in  order to structure scientific nursing  prac ice. 


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