This paper consistof 3 separate 1-page reviews of 3 different research-based articles submitted in 1 document. Choose your 3 research-based articles from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals of your choice.
• Each review must include a 1-paragraph summary of the research-based article,
• 1-paragraph analysis of the research-based article (this should not be a summary of the analysis conducted by the article's author(s); rather it is YOUR critical analysis of the quality of the research conducted. For example: What was good? What could be better? How would you have changed the research?).
• 1-paragraph summary of the importance of the research-based article to the field of education (in that order).
• Include the citation for the article at the bottom of the page for each review.
• The research-based articles that you select should reflect the research topic of personal interest that you identified in Discussion Board.
• Use correct APA style throughout the paper.
NOTE: Concisely summarizing large amounts of data is a skill that researchers must master for both data they generate and for conveying the relevant works of others in their own literature reviews. Endeavor to strictly adhere to the 1-page limit per review.