
Importance of physical fitness


School age children

  • What guidelines do you recommend to this group for achieving and maintaining physical fitness?
  • What is the long-term outlook for this group in terms of longevity and quality of life?

Physical activity is important in this age of technology where children sit most of the day at school, and then go home to play video games or use social media. If we do not provide physical education in the schools and allow for recess and other breaks, children will not feel the benefits of exercise, and may not bring these benefits into their adult lives. Inactivity can lead to many health problems. Obesity is on the rise in many developing nations, heart disease and diabetes 2 can also result from inactivity.

We want our children to be healthy throughout their lives, so teaching good practices early on may help them develop healthy practices throughout their entire lives.

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Other Subject: Importance of physical fitness
Reference No:- TGS01898916

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