Importance of nutrition:
We cannot live without food. Our hunger can be satisfied by any kind of meal, but to remain healthy and free of disease, our body requires certain kinds of food. The health of an individual is largely determined by the quality of food taken. Moreover, food makes a difference in our appearance, activity, behaviour, and in the quality of life. Foods vary in their composition and no one type of food contains all we need, in the amounts that we need.
A meal lacking in a particular requirement of our body for a prolonged period can result in disease, and even in death. Therefore, a knowledge of the food requirements of our body and various sources of obtaining them is essential. Studies carried out in many countries show that a good diet has promoted proper growth in children and has improved the general heahh ofthe people. A study of Japanese children has shown that an improved diet has increased the average height of children, from what it was a few decades ago.
A majority of the children of the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America are generally poorly nourished. some of them do not get enough to eat, while the diet of others is deficient in some foods that are essential for the body. So, we find a steady retardation in the physical and mental growth of these children and they suffer from various deficiency diseases. The science of nutritioo is a well developed discipline today. We know enough about what kind of nourishment is necessary for our child and adult population. The main problem is to make this information available to our people and to ensure that the food contains dl the necessary ingredients. Of course, the foods must be available to the people.