Importance of Microprocessor
Now few questions may arise in one mind that when advance processor like Pentium IV are available in market why we are learning 8035 microprocessor. Similarly why to learn machine language and assembly language ( required to program 8035 microprocessor ) when high level language like C objects oriented languages C++ java and 4GLlike visual Basic visual C++ are available in the world of software development.
The answer of all these question sis that microprocessor / microcontrollers are not used only in computer systems but may be used in many other applications and devices used in our daily life like programmable washing machines pockets calculators televisions VCD/ DVD players digital watches digital still / video cameras talking doll and other toys to large application power systems protection and many other control applications few are discussed in followings article. For such applications use of advanced microprocessors may be costly affair, hence smaller processors like 8085 or microcontrollers with limited features may be more suitable and effective.