
Importance of lowering divorce rate to keep families


Essay- My Topic- "the importance of lowering the divorce rate to keep families together." 6 pages

We are writing the Proposal below separately


Below is a list of what you should address in your Topic Proposal. The hope is that you have thought even more about your social issue topic since you had it approved with the Topic idea and considered the feedback I provided.

Do not list the questions and then answer them. Instead, write your proposal in essay format (paragraphs).

You are going to be spending the remainder of the semester with this topic, so choose wisely.

1. What social issue are you researching?

2. Why are you researching this social issue?

o Tell me a story that shows the relevance of this topic to your life.

3. What is the argument regarding this topic?

o Explain what is being talked and debated about with regard to the topic.

o Provide what you know about other viewpoints of this argument (in addition to your viewpoint)

4. What are two or three "open" research questions you'd like to investigate through your research?

o See the next page for examples of open and closed research questions.

5. What keywords will you use to find sources? (Reference the Keywords video.)

6. What are some ideas you have about where to look for sources?

She wants me to write something along this line.

The topic of your essay seems to be "the importance of lowering the divorce rate to keep families together." Essentially, this is also your argument -- the divorce rate needs to be lowered in order to keep families together."

A counterargument (goes against your argument) could be that there are situtions where divorce will be better for the family. An example could be in a physically abusive relationship. You may agree with this counterargument and say, "Yes, there are times when the best choice is divorce." However, overall, there are ways to lower the divorce rate in situations outside of abuse...and you can share that.

Another counterargument could be from people who have made divorce work for their families (now blended families) and can show how the children are thriving. In this case, you can agree that some people do well and make this work, but you can show the X% of divorced children who suffer...


Essay Proposal: The Importance of Lowering the Divorce Rate to Keep Families Together

By Oluwatosin Akintola

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Science: Importance of lowering divorce rate to keep families
Reference No:- TGS03186304

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