
Importance of geology in the fields of metallurgy

Question 1: Give a brief account of applied importance of Geology in the fields of metallurgy, mining, ground water investigation etc, apart from civil engineering.
Question 2: River is the most important geological agent, why? What are the limitations of other geological agents like wind, glacial and ocean?
Question 3: Define a rock. How are the rocks classified? Where do they occur? What do you know about the shell structure of the earth?
Question 4: Discuss the suitability of occurrence of following rocks at dam site:

a) Limestones.
b) Laterites.
c) Basalts.
Question 5: How do you distinguish the following pairs of minerals based on their physical properties:

a) Magnetite and Magnesite.
b) Olivine and Feldspars.
c) Talc and Biotite.
Question 6: Write short notes on:

a) Mohr's scale of hardness.
b) Cleavage sets.
c) Cleavage angle.
Question 7: What are joints? How they differ from cracks in rocks? Compare joints and faults. Why joints are less harmful than faults from civil engineering point of view? Which types of joints occur commonly in igneous rocks.

Question 8:

a) What is the importance of faults with reference to slope stability?
b) What is the importance of alignment of tunnels along or across the strike direction of faults?

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Civil Engineering: Importance of geology in the fields of metallurgy
Reference No:- TGS03462

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