Question 1:
a) Define the word management.
b) In brief illustrate Henri Fayol’s theory of management.
c) Describe the importance of Fayol’s theory to management of today.
Question 2: Describe to what extent the theory of Elton Mayo has contributed to the understanding of:
a) Individual behavior at work.
b) The influence of groups in the work-place.
Question 3: It is accepted that a leader’s style might be affected by a number of factors. Explain the likely impact of the given on the choice of style of leadership:
a) The style of corporate management.
b) The work itself.
c) The individual subordinates of the leader.
d) The group.
Question 4:
a) Define:
• Management Planning
• Management Control
b) With the help of illustrations, describe to what extent they are separate and distinct management functions.
Question 5: Identify and describe which kind of production would be employed for the given:
a) Wedding and bridesmaids dresses
b) Designer footwear
c) Glass making
d) Satellite TV receivers
Question 6:
a) Define the word MBO.
b) Describe the advantages of its implementation to management for:
• Management planning
• Performance appraisal of employees
Question 7: In an attempt to boost sales of plasma screen televisions, the Marketing Department of your company wishes to carry out a suitable advertising campaign.
a) With the help of proper diagram, identify where plasma screen televisions are in their product life cycle.
b) Describe what action could be taken to boost sales of plasma screen televisions.
Question 8:
a) With the help of a diagram, explain the main features of a recruitment and selection procedure.
b) For a job of your own choice and with the help of the Five Point Plan, design a job specification.