
Importance of ever-evolving cultural trends


Text: Garey, R. W. (2011). Business literacy survival guide for HR professionals. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

• Other source: Ludden, J. (2012).Helicopter parents hover in the workplace [Audio file]. Retrieved from


This needs to be APA style, abstract, at least 5 in-text citations, conclusion

Cultural Trends

In laying plans to prepare an organization for the future, you must anticipate the importance of ever-evolving cultural trends that impact all aspects of organizations. One thing is definite: You must plan for their implications. For this week's Discussion, you will consider cultural trends. One evolving cultural trend is helicopter parents. Much like military helicopters are used to swoop in and rescue during wartime, today's parents are doing the same with their adult working children.

For this Discussion, review the audio clip, "Helicopter Parents Hover in the Workplace," and consider how, as a Human Resources professional, you might respond to this growing trend.

An explanation of how the trend depicted in the clip impacts established organizational protocol and explain whether you believe it should be allowed. Identify how you might handle this trend to address the best interests of all as a Human Resources professional in an organization. Explain your approach. Analyze whether you would recommend that current procedures and protocol be amended to accommodate this new larger community practice, and describe such a recommendation, or support your resistance to changing established practice.

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Other Management: Importance of ever-evolving cultural trends
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