
Importance of estate planning to everyone


Planning For the Future

As part of their career services department, a local career college has asked you, a seasoned insurance agent, to put together a PowerPoint presentation for the students. The majority of these students are single moms in their late twenties, early thirties. The Career Services Manager wants you to emphasize the importance of planning for the future. Your presentation should include:

•differentiation between term life insurance, whole life insurance, and annuities with an explanation of the pros and cons of all three,

•importance of estate planning to everyone,

•how taxation affects life insurance benefits,

•discussion of the flexible investment options available with variable life insurance policies, and how to calculate the amount of life insurance needed, and

•research on three other points that your "students" will need to know when making decision about their future money and insurance needs.

Be thorough in your explanation about why these points are important.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include at least 10 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. You must Make sure to cite all sources used, including your textbook.


Add an additional

•the basic features of a life insurance contract and their purpose,

•definitions of insured, the owner, and the beneficiary,

•explanation of the insured's rights when ending a cash value life insurance policy,

•explanation of the effect of an insured's suicide on the insurer's duty to pay proceeds,

•description of the insured's right to borrow a policy's cash value,

•the five different ways a beneficiary may take proceeds after the insured's death, and

•Explanation of extra-cost options and why some are more valuable than others.

This new section should include at least 10 more slides. Make sure to update your reference slide to include any additional resources.

Dorfman, M. S. (2008). Introduction to risk management and insurance (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

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