
importance of communicationsome questions that

Importance of Communication

some questions that involve critical thinking about the communications issues we have been studying.
Imagine, for example, that a fellow student says, So I'm not a good writer. But I have other places to put my study time. I'm a management major. I'll have secretaries to handle my writing for me.
Give this student your best advice, including the reasoning behind it.

in order communicate clearly and with the proper tone, you should learn everything possible about those with whom you wish to communicate.
What information about your audience would be important so that your message will be communicated effectively and appropriately?

differences between cultures and how such differences can cause problems with cross-border communication.
Can you provide an example of such a problem that happened to you?

Expalin situations where communication between cultures can sometimes be misunderstood.

Can you find in a newspaper or magazine, 2 sentences containing words and expressions that a non-native English speaker would not be likely to understand. Rewrite the sentences for this reader.

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Project Management: importance of communicationsome questions that
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