Discussion Question One
We learned a number of possible models that can be used to frame the Human Resource function in organizations.
1. Describe either a positive or negative experience that you had had with the Human Resource function.
2. In the experience that you had, which model did you experience? Explain why you chose this model.
3. If you have not had an interaction with Human Resources, which of these models would work best for you as a future health care leader?
Discussion Question Two
We learned about the importance of a leader- employee relationship.
Simon Sinek is an ethnographer by training and an adjunct of the RAND Corporation. He writes and comments regularly for major publications and teaches graduate-level strategic communications at Columbia University.
He explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust, and change. He is the author of the classic Start with Why; his latest book is Leaders Eat Last.
1. Watch the video "Why good leaders make you feel safe".
2. What do you think are the key takeaways for you as a future or current health care leader?
3. Explain why you made these choices and how they may affect you as a future healthcare leader.