
Importance of a child developing responsibility

Assignment Problem: Your child comes home from school with an assignment sheet for a school project. He/she is very excited about the project and begins work immediately, doing research on the Internet and gathering materials. You read over the assignment sheet and notice that your child is not including all of the required items in the project, and you have some ideas for how to improve the quality of the presentation. You recently read an article in a parenting magazine about the importance of a child developing responsibility for his/ her own learning. You recall the many ways in which your parents took over your school projects. You, on the other hand, want to encourage your child's confidence in his / her ability to complete a project independently. The next day, you are at the grocery store when you see a parent of a student in your child's class. That parent has spent over $30 in supplies for the science project and is taking a day off of work to put the pieces of the project together.

Define the problem:

As a parent am I helping my child or hurting her education if I help with school projects?

1. She has an assignment for a school project

2. She needs to do research online and gather materials

3. She is not including all the required items for the assignment

4. You have ideas that could IMPROVE the Quality of the presentation

5. You read that it's important for a child to develop responsibility for their learning

6. You look back at how your parents took over your project

7. You want to provide more CONFIDENCE and RESPONSIBILITY in your child

8. You see a parent buying materials for their child's project you wonder if you're helping enough

9. That parent took the day off to do the project; you know that is not the way to go.

Attachment:- School Project.rar

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Other Subject: Importance of a child developing responsibility
Reference No:- TGS03045718

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