
Implementing procedures for behavior change measuring and

Question: Part 1: Stimuli

In this Instructor Contact Session, you will hear your instructor talk about painful and reinforcing stimuli. Listen to the lecture and take notes. Then post a substantive response to the following discussion question:

You read how "one particular stimulus may be involved in reinforcement and punishment of different behaviors in the same situation, depending on whether the stimulus is presented or removed after the behavior" (Miltenberger, 2016, pp. 115-116). Further, you saw examples of how a painful stimulus may be involved in both positive punishment and negative reinforcement, as well as how a reinforcing stimulus may be involved in both negative punishment and positive reinforcement.

Share an example from your own life of either one of these two processes.

ICS Part 2: The Case of Amanda

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In this Instructor Contact Session, you will hear your instructor talk about behavior change plans. Listen to the lecture and take notes. Then post a substantive response to the following discussion question:

In this unit, you read about Amanda and the behavior change plan that was implemented for her (Miltenberger, 2016, p. 95-102). The case study provided you with new information beyond what you were provided for your assignment in Unit 2. How did the information you learned about Amanda this week change your perspective on implementing procedures for behavior change, measuring and graphing change in behavior, and your previous conclusions about her treatment plan?

Miltenberger, R. G. (2016). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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Dissertation: Implementing procedures for behavior change measuring and
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