Foreign Aid Outline
-Policy problem and identifies the issues to solve- (1) Difficulties in monitoring foreign aid effectiveness and(2) Inconsistencies of foreign aid incentives to both donors and recipients due to ‘fungibility' problems.
-Summary of the policy recommendations and the reasoning behind them- (1) OECD to come up with strategies that seek to support high quality domestic institutions and (2) Aligning the aid with the recipients domestic indicators in a bid to addressing ‘fungibility' problems.
-The policy brief's audience- OECD
ISSUE DESCRIPTION- Using relevant academic literature (Journal and books)
-What is the relevance of the issue
-Status quo including statistics and policy attempts limitations
-Policy environments- recipient countries, donor body (OECD), policy- directives e.t.c
POLICY PROPOSAl- Using relevant academic literature (Journal and books)
-Detailed proposed policy reforms and including cost and benefits.
-Discussions of other plausible alternative reforms.
-The role and strategic positioning of policy makers and other stakeholders.
-Implementation terrain- who and what to involve, how to involve them, challenges and threats to expect and how to overcome them.
-Summary of the issues, how to address them and the impact of the reforms.