
Implementation stage of an hrd process model

Question 1:

a)  How is the term training distinct from development?

b) In brief describe the various training methods which can be used while conducting the training.

c) What are the different kinds of training materials which can be used in the design and implementation stage of an HRD process model?

d) In few words describe the five different kinds of costs comprised while finding out the return on investment of training.

Question 2:

a) To ensure cost effective HRD, requirements must be measured at three various levels. Name them and in brief describe each of them.

b)  Elaborate on any nine data sources for Task Analysis.

Question 3:

a) Define the word culture.

b) What are the characteristics of the professional work culture?

c) What are the various steps to be followed in a cross cultural management process?

Question 4:

a) Define the word HRIS (Human Resource Information System).

b) What are the main objectives of a computerized HRIS?

c) Describe the common problems related with HRIS.

Question 5: in brief describe and distinguish between any five of the given:

a) Program announcement and program outline.

b) Work horses and problem child.

c) Person analysis and task analysis.

d) Static media and dynamic media.

e) Formative assessment and summative evaluation.

f) Human Resources Accounting and Human Resources Information System.

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HR Management: Implementation stage of an hrd process model
Reference No:- TGS06608

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