
Implementation of research and ebp in the practice arena

Assignment task:

A discussion ensues between you (the nurse researcher), the DNP, and one of the members of the committee who is soon to complete a master's degree in nursing with an emphasis in quality improvement. You will co-lead the Research and EBP Committee with the DNP. As a nurse researcher, you will clarify that the role of nursing research is to discover new knowledge on topics of importance to nurses, the nursing profession, the organization, and patient care. Nursing research addresses the question, "What is the right thing to do?" You will work with group members to come to a consensus about what you will do to address the delay in the implementation of research and EBP. An academic-practice partnership has been proposed.

How are you going to open the conversation? Looking for Assignment Help?

How will you position the conversation to clarify what is meant by research versus EBP versus QI?

What will you do to address the delay in the implementation of research and EBP in the practice arena?

What will your "next steps" be?

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Other Subject: Implementation of research and ebp in the practice arena
Reference No:- TGS03451973

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