implementation of epmit is not a minor matter to

Implementation of EPM

It is not a minor matter to espouse the EPM strategy and implement it in an organisation. A fresh organisational structure and new practices have to be communicated to those affected within the organisation as well as clients or other   critical   stakeholders.   Individuals   may   need   training   with   new knowledge and skills. Leaders may need to alter their way of organising, motivating,  planning,  directing, and controlling work forces. Senior managers must evidently communicate and show their support for the change.

It is the duty of senior management, usually the Board of Directors, to study and analyse the profits of change in an enterprise project management organisation. They may look at the existing projects to determine whether the selection process is adequate or whether the existing projects are less than optimal in terms of size, risk, profitability, a strategic and operational fit with the organisation, and other factors that are unique to the business.

Once the decision is made and communicated that the organisation will switch its assets to an enterprise project management design, a strategy must be in place for the transition of functions to the new organisation. This may be phased in over period or it may be accomplished by a set date. Both methods    have    advantages    and    disadvantages.    It    is    important    to communicate to all the stakeholders the cause for the change and the profits of change before starting any transition.

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Management Theories: implementation of epmit is not a minor matter to
Reference No:- TGS0161927

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