
Implementation of double-check system for risk medication

Assignment task:

In nurses working on a Medical/Surgical unit(P),How does the implementation of a double-check system for high risk medications(I) compared to the standard medication administration procedures without a double-check system(C) reduces the rate of medication administration errors(I) over a period of three months(T). Example of Qualitative study ICU nurses' experiences of medication double-checking: A qualitative study The aim of this study was to explore Norwegian ICU nurses' perceptions of how medication double-checking is practiced in the ICU The informants felt reluctant to administer medications without prior double-checking. The graded approach to medication double-checking practiced in our two ICUs is not in agreement with Norwegian regulations but is more in line with international recommendations. Example of Quantitative study Does an Insulin Double-Checking Procedure Improve Patient Safety? The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a subcutaneous insulin double-checking preparation intervention on insulin administration errors. Explain how the two study above relates to the PICOT stated. Looking for Assignment Help?

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Other Subject: Implementation of double-check system for risk medication
Reference No:- TGS03451260

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