Question 1: Implement Newton's method in Matlab
function [p,n] = newton(func,funcderiv,x0,tolx).
Here, p is the estimate for the zero, n is the number of iterations it took to obtain this estimate, x0 is the initial guess, tolx is the correction based absolute error tolerance (the iteration is terminated once |xn+1 - xn| > tolx), func is the function whose zero is to be determined, and funcderiv is the derivative of the function func.
Question 2: Implement the secant method in Matlab
function [p,n] = secant(func,x0,x1,tolx).
Here, p is the estimate for the zero, n is the number of iterations it took to obtain this estimate, x0 and x1 are the initial guesses, tolx is the correction based absolute error tolerance (the iteration is termi-nated once, |xn+1 - xn| > tolx) and func is the function whose zero is to be determined.
Solve these questions in details and provide examples to support your rationale.