Programming Problems-
1. Create an application called Registrar that has the following classes:
A Student class that minimally stores the following data fields for a student:
-student id number
-number of credits
-total grade points earned
The following methods should also be provided:
-A constructor that initializes the name and id fields
-A method that returns the student name field
-A method that returns the student ID field
-A method that determines if two student objects arc equal if their student id numbers are the same (override equals from the class Object)
-Methods to set and retrieve the total number of credits
- Methods to set and retrieve the total number of grade points earned
- A method that returns the GPA (grade points divided by credits)
An instructor class that minimally stores the following data fields for an instructor:
-faculty id number
The following methods should also be provided:
- A constructor that initializes the name and id fields
- Methods to set and retrieve the instructor's department
A course, class that minimally stores the following data for a course:
- name of the course
- course registration code
- maximum number )f 35 students
- instructor
- number of students
- students registered in the course (an array)
The following methods should also be provided:
- A constructor that initializes the name, registration code, and maximum number of students
- Methods to set and retrieve the instructor
- A method to search for a student in the course; the search should be based on an ID number.
- A method to add a student to the course. If the course is full, then an exception with an appropriate message should be raised (try creating your n exception class for this). Also, be sure that the student is not already registered in the course. The list of students should be in the order that they registered.
- A method to remove a student from the course. If the student is not found, then an exception with an appropriate message should be raised (use the same exception class mentioned above).
- A method that will allow Course objects to be output to a file using object serialization.
- A method that will allow Course objects to be read in from a file created with Object serialization.
You will note that the Student and Instructor classes described above have some commonality. Create a Person class that captures this commonality and uses it as a base class for Student and Instructor. This class should be responsible for the name and id fields and also provide a tostring method that returns a string of the form name, id. This will be the inherited tostring method for the Student and Instructor classes.
a. Draw a UML diagram for this application.
b. Implement the previous classes in Java. Write main program that can serve as a test class that tests all of the methods created and demonstrates that they are working.
c. Write a second main program that provides a menu to allow the user to
i. create a course, prompting the user for all of the course information,
ii. add students to the course,
iii. check to see if a student is registered in the course, and
iv. remove a student from the course.
d. Add to the previous menu the ability to save a course using object serialization. Also add a menu choice to read in a course from a file given the course code. Come up with a system of naming the file so that the user need only be asked the course code to load the course information from a file.