
implement the nuclear reactor example using the

Implement the "Nuclear Reactor" example using the following:

 An ISR triggered by a button press
 A task to update the temperatures
 A semaphore to communicate between the ISR and the update task
 The update task should use dynamic memory allocation to get a buffer in which to place the temperature.
 Pass the buffer containing the temperatures to the checking task using an RTOS queue.

Write an "Introduction to using FreeRTOS" document in which you use your "Nuclear Reactor" code as an example to explain the key concepts of Semaphores, queues, dynamic memory allocation in an RTOS and timing in an RTOS.

This is a code: Nuclear reactor.


//// main.c




/* Scheduler include files. */






voidTaskUpdatTemps(void *pvParameters);

voidTaskCheckTemps(void *pvParameters);


//global shared data

int temperatures[2];

//xSemaphoreHandle-Data structure managed by the RTOS





 //Release the semaphore





 //Set direction of PORTB pin 5,6,7 as output pins

 DDRB |= (1<
 DDRB |= (1<
 DDRB |= (1<
 //Generate in on rising edge on INT0 pin - bits in EICRA Reg

 EICRA |= (1 << ISC00);

 EICRA |= (1 << ISC01);

 //Enable - bits in EIMSK reg

 EIMSK |= (1 << INT0);

 //Enable interrupts - Set I bit in SR(status register)





 , 256


 , 2

 , NULL );




 , 256


 , 1

 , NULL );

 //Create semaphores



 //Start the task Scheduler




 //do nothing




voidTaskUpdatTemps(void *pvParameters)


//Just keep compiler happy


 staticint count = 0;



 //Take the semaphore ReleaseSem

 xSemaphoreTake(ReleaseSem, portMAX_DELAY);

 //Take the semaphore temperatureSem to protect atomic variables

 xSemaphoreTake(temperaturesSem, portMAX_DELAY);



 //Give the semaphore back


 //Increment Count variable

 count ++;

 //Toggle portb pin 6 to turn LED on/off (Using Exclusive OR)

 PORTB ^= (1<
 //Delay for 1 sec

 //vTaskDelay( 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS );




voidTaskCheckTemps(void *pvParameters) // Main Green LED Flash


int temp0, temp1;

 (void) pvParameters;

//Set direction of pin to be an output

 DDRB |= (1<


 //Take the semaphore temperatureSem to protect atomic variables

 xSemaphoreTake(temperaturesSem, portMAX_DELAY);


 //Delay for 1 sec

 vTaskDelay( 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS );


 //Give the semaphore back


 //Toggle portb pin 5 to turn LED on/off (Using Exclusive OR)

 PORTB ^= (1<
 //Checking to see if temperatures match

 if(temp0 != temp1)


 PORTB |= (1<



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Application Programming: implement the nuclear reactor example using the
Reference No:- TGS0221605

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