
Implement the missing methods for class mygraph which

Assignment Tasks and Mark Breakdown

PART 1) Implement the missing methods for class MyGraph which implements the interface Graph where the Integer is a vertex index (0..n-1) and the Double is the edge weight (distance). A skeleton has been provided.

Thoroughly test each method of this class for various types of graphs. Basic test provided: MyGraphTest1.java

PART 2) Implement the methods find and union of class Partition. Thoroughly test each method of this class for various examples.
Basic test provided: PartitionTest2.java

PART 3) Implement the method kruskalClusters following the given skeleton and the explanations and pseudocode in section 2.

Thoroughly test each method of this class with different graphs.

Use tests for the k-clustering application. Some tester programs will be provided using data from the following dataset repository: https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/hartigan/hartigan.html)

Basic test provided: MyGraphTest123.java, Clusters2DTest123.java

The remaining 25 marks will be distributed for results of more complete testing within the 3 parts above, or for any rebalancing of marks we may decide afterwards.

4 What to hand in and submission instructions

1) Create one directory with name being the letter "s" followed by your student number. If your student number is 564789, your directory will be called s564789

2) Inside the directory include the following:
- the source code of your program, i.e. all the *.java files for your program.

(these includes all files that we provided and where 3 of them contain your changes)

- files called outputP1.txt outputP2.txt outputP3.txt showing the output obtained with standard testing provided in blackboard learn (the recommended tests will be published later).

- A file called README.txt containing:

o Any information relevant for the TA to mark your program. For example, if not all parts of the code are working you may inform the TA here which parts are working, explain known bugs, etc.

3) zip the directory containing all the files above and submit (in the example of the student number above the file submitted will be called s564789.zip) When the TA unzips the file, it should see the directory s564789 containing all files described above.

Attachment:- Cluster Analysis or Clustering.rar

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Implement the missing methods for class mygraph which
Reference No:- TGS01695817

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