
Implement the language experience approach

Assignment Task:

Read Ferlazzo & Sypnieski

Reading and Writing - Strategies #1 - 10

Discussion Week - Select Language Experience Approach AND two other strategies and how you would apply them in the classroom with ELLs. Respond to one other classmate.

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The Language Experience Approach (LEA) is an effective instructional strategy for English Language Learners (ELLs) that incorporates speaking, listening, reading, and writing and connects language learning to students' personal events, making learning significant, engaging, and meaningful. I will implement it by discussing a shared or individual experience, recording or writing down the student's spoken words precisely as they say them. Then, reading the text aloud, exploring and editing the text collaboratively, and introducing new vocabulary, grammar structures, or sentence variations. Also, I will implement group work as a second strategy because it is a highly effective strategy in English Language Learners (ELLs) classrooms, as it encourages collaboration, communication, and language development. Group work allows students to practice language in authentic contexts, learn from peers, and develop critical thinking and teamwork skills when structured effectively. I will implement it by creating purposeful groups, setting clear objectives and roles, using structured activities and language supports, monitoring and assessing group presentations, collaborative storytelling, interactive games, debates, and discussion circles. Finally, I will implement the speak slowly strategy because it is crucial for supporting English Language Learners (ELLs), especially when they are still developing their listening comprehension skills. I will implement it by speaking at a natural but reduced pace, ensuring my speech does not sound robotic, pronouncing words clearly without exaggerating, simplifying language, repeating words or phrases, pairing speech with visuals, checking for understanding, and modeling active listening. Need Online Tutoring?


To implement the Language Experience Approach (LEA) with English Language Learners (ELLs), instructors should emphasize generating shared experiences, using students' native language to simplify comprehension. Then, cooperatively, write a text based on their retelling of the experience, integrating visual sources and plenty of support to build vocabulary and comprehension while relating oral language to written text. Some relevant shared experiences could be field trips, experiments, cooking demonstrations, watching videos or movies related to their culture, and personal stories. To engage students with this strategy, you might use visuals and key vocabulary to introduce a topic, allowing students to share their prior knowledge and experiences in their native language. Then, facilitate discussions collaboratively using simple language and gestures.

Following, I will implement with ELLs is project-based learning strategy, which offers many benefits to ELLs, including hands-on activities, peer interaction, and rich language use. I will implement this strategy by choosing engaging and relevant projects that connect to student interests and cultural backgrounds. This makes learning more meaningful and motivating. Also, I will promote real-world connections in the projects that help ELLs understand the relevance of their learning and develop valuable life skills. Likewise, I will use language-rich topics that naturally contribute to students enriching language use, such as creating a gallery, a garden, or producing a short film.

In addition, I will implement a visual aids strategy to teach ELLs. They improve comprehension by providing context, making abstract concepts more concrete, and aiding understanding. Also, visual aids support language development because they help to build vocabulary, improve pronunciation, and smooth communication. Also, they engage students to be more interactive, attentive, and motivated. I will select visuals directly relevant to the lesson topic, ensuring visuals are clear, high-quality, and easy to understand. Moreover, I will choose culturally appropriate visuals and avoid stereotypes, including pictures, diagrams, videos, realia (real objects), and manipulative.

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