
Implement the invest now option to allow the user


• Task I: Allow the user to add initial cash to invest and generate a client ID. Required technologies: Python, Tkinter, SQL (for storing and retrieving user account information).

• Task II: Implement the "Invest Now" option to allow the user to view investment types and prices, choose one to invest in, and confirm the transaction. Required technologies: Python, Tkinter, web scraping (to retrieve investment prices from external websites), SQL (for storing and retrieving user portfolio information).

• Task III: Implement the "Portfolio Viewing" option to allow the user to view a list of all transactions. Required technologies: Python, Tkinter, SQL (for storing and retrieving user portfolio information).

• Task IV: Implement the "Money In/Out" option to allow the user to add or withdraw money to their account. Required technologies: Python, Tkinter, SQL (for storing and retrieving user account information).

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Computer Engineering: Implement the invest now option to allow the user
Reference No:- TGS03332967

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