
Implement the initial database design for the customer

Database Analysis and Design:

Implement the initial database design for the Customer Relationship Management VIEW as described below in your selected RDBMS. You need to create the Entity-Relationship model from your normalization and Database analysis, define tables, primary keys, foreign keys, create additional descriptive fields (at least 2 for each entity - relationship tables do NOT need additional fields in all cases), and any attribute value constraints you deem necessary. Create the VIEW and populate the tables to duplicate the following:

315_img analysis.png




You will be evaluated on:
1. The Feasibility, Flexibility, and Appropriateness of the Normalization and Relationships you create between entities, including indication of the type of relationship

Submit your Entity-Relationship Diagram generated by the DBMS in file named:
lastname.firstname.Project 02 ERD.jpg (or png or pdf or gif)

2. Definition of the VIEW, including the conditions for data population into the normalized data tables
Please run a SELECT *FROM ; saving the results in a notepad (text) file with the extension .dat, and submit your file(s) using your last name as part of the file name in the following format:
lastname.firstname.Project 02 view.dat

3. Data Population for each table supplying the view and your additional descriptive fields
Please run a SELECT *FROM

; for each table, saving the results in a notepad (text) file with the extension .dat, and submit your file(s) using your last name as part of the file name in the following format:
lastname.firstname.Project 02 tables.dat

4. The Attributes and KEY fields you identify for each entity

5. Value Constraints you define for fields you select
Please save all of your EXPORT DATABASE CREATE code in a notepad (text) file with the extension .sql , and submit your file(s) using your last name as part of the file name in the following format:
lastnametirstname.Project 02 create.sql

6. Supply the SQL and result for the following action:
INSERT a new Customer and Contact record INTO THE VIEW for ServiceRep = "ITDB" where the Customer is "SPRING 2014" and the Contact person is your name. (20 points)

Please save all of your INSERT SQL code in a notepad (text) file with the extension .sql, and submit your file(s) using your last name as part of the file name in the following format:
lastnametirstname.Project 02 Insert.sql

Please run a SELECT *FROM

; for each table, saving the results in a notepad (text) file with the extension .dat , and submit your file(s) using your last name as part of the file name in the following format:
lastnametirstname.Project 02 tables after update.dat

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PL-SQL Programming: Implement the initial database design for the customer
Reference No:- TGS0978930

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