
Implement simple distance vector routing algorithm

Your assignment is to implement simple distance vector routing algorithm.

Distance vectors:

Each node (implemented as a java thread) will have a distance vector, which is a list of distance vector entries, one for each node in the network. The distance vector stored at A should contain A's best path for all destinations with the cost and the next hop to take for a destination and the time at which this entry was last updated.

1. The next hop for A to send the packet for the destination Z.

2. The cost of going to Z

3. The time at which this entry was last updated.

When a node reboots, it should initialize its distance vector. Example: Consider the following network,

43_Node rebooting.jpg

Initialization at node A:

Nodes      A        B          C          D          E

Cost         0    infinity   infinity   infinity   infinity
Nexthop    -       -           -           -              -
Update      0      0          0          0            0

After 1st iteration:

Nodes      A       B        C          D          E

Cost         0       7     infinity   infinity      1
Nexthop    -       B         -          -            E
Update      0       x        0          0           x

After 2nd iteration:

Nodes      A       B        C          D          E

Cost         0       7        8       infinity      1
Nexthop    -       B        B          -           E
Update      0       x        y          0          x


Every once in a while (you are free to decide how often), each node should send an update along each of its links. An update sent by node A should contain A's entire distance vector. An update could contain other information if you want it to.

Before A sends an update, it should check its distance vector for old entries. Any entry that has not been updated for a while (again, you decide how long) should be eliminated. That is. the entry's guess at the number of hops between A and the node in question should be set to infinity.

Upon receiving an update from a neighboring node B, node A should compare each entry in the update with the corresponding entry in A's distance vector. Node A should change its entry for destination C if either

1. (the hops from B to C) + 1 < (the hops from A to C), and the first node on the route from B to C is not A.


2. the first node on the route from A to C is B

Print out DV of each node after an update.

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Mathematics: Implement simple distance vector routing algorithm
Reference No:- TGS01238287

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