
implement relationship using a java program

 Implement relationship using a java program. Assume each course has a course title, code, subject and number of credits while each student has a name, registration number, list of courses that the student follows and the marks for each course.

2.  Use the text files given and store the information of courses and students

3.  Define separate methods for the followings within suitable classes

a.  Display the details of a student

b.  Display the details of a subject

c.  Calculate the average of a student

d. Find the grade of a particular subject of a student

Marks>=75    ---  A

Marks>=65    ---  B

Marks>=55          C

Marks>=45          D

Marks<45            F

e. Calculate overall average of a particular subject

f.  Calculate  the GPA  of  a  student.

    A ----- 4.0

   B ------3.3

   C -----   2.7

   D           1.5

    F           0


4. Display the following menu.

1. Enter  details of  each student

2. Display details of  a particular student

3. Calculate the GPA of a particular student

4. Find  the grade of a particular course of a particular student

5. List out the registration numbers of a students who follow a particular course

6. Calculate the overall average of a particular subject

7. Display details of all the students in the faculty

8. Find the number of repeaters of a particular course

9. Find the person who has the highest GPA

10. Exit from the system

5. Perform operations given in the above menu, repeatedly until the users enters 10

6. Create the above program using GUI interface.

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JAVA Programming: implement relationship using a java program
Reference No:- TGS0212013

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